Reserve Office 01305 760579
The West Fleet ‘Sanctuary’

The West Fleet ‘Sanctuary’

For many centuries, perhaps even a millennium, the West Fleet has been an ancient sanctuary within the Reserve, and not that many decades ago it was known as such. In his book ‘Nature Conservation in Britain’ (New Naturalist Series), Sir Dudley Stamp referred to it as...
A stormy start to the year

A stormy start to the year

                    The Chesil Wave Rider Buoy, as can be seen in the graphs above, has recorded wave height above the threshold (the red line) on a number of occasions so far this year. Most noticeably there was a...
Moth Recording on the Fleet 2020

Moth Recording on the Fleet 2020

The recording of moths within the Fleet Nature Reserve continues. Moths are sampled from Ferrybridge to the East and Abbotsbury Swannery and the Sub-tropical Gardens at the far West. The shingle and mixture of low vegetation and grasses at Ferrybridge hold good...