by ReserveTeam | Jul 10, 2018 | Insects, Moths, News, Scientific Research
Moth recording continues at two sites at the west end of the Fleet lagoon. Between them, both sites cover an interesting and diverse range of habitats, and slowly a useful list of species is building up at these locations. Recording started again in mid-February,...
by ReserveTeam | Jan 17, 2018 | Insects, Moths, News
Report from Steve Hales Moth trapping was resumed in earnest at the West of the Fleet early in 2017 after a break of 20 years when intensive work was last done in this area. During March and April good numbers of Oak Beauty were trapped. The highlight in mid-March was...
by ReserveTeam | Apr 21, 2017 | Insects, News
Oil beetles are one Britain’s most fascinating insects but unfortunately are under threat. There were once eight species of Oil beetle native to the UK but three have become extinct. The five UK species remaining are: Black oil beetle (Meloe proscarabaeus),...
by ReserveTeam | Jul 14, 2016 | Insects, News
A larval web of the Social Pear Sawfly is commonly seen on both Pear and Apple trees, Medlars and Hawthorns. This web was pictured on the latter, found at Abbotsbury. There are several types of Sawflies, and most are named after the type of plant that they feed on....
by ReserveTeam | Jun 20, 2016 | Insects, News, The Fleet
A windy but sunny guided walk took place last week with the Chesil Beach and Fleet Nature Reserve Warden and Assistant Warden. The group enjoyed lots of sights and sounds of mid-summer, including the ever vocal Skylark, performing territorial song flights and views of...
by ReserveTeam | Jun 11, 2016 | Insects, News
The Fleet land shore comprises alternating deposits of clays and limestones. Softer exposures of limestone provide a home for a variety of invertebrates. One busy species this month is one of the potter or mason wasps. The individual (probably Ancistrocerus...