Reserve Office 01305 760579
The Reserve in winter

The Reserve in winter

With the current cold weather, the Fleet lagoon plays a vital role in providing shelter and food for thousands of water birds. Becoming relatively fresh water however, the western end of the Fleet is partial to freezing over. The images below shows  snow on Chesil...
The Great Dorset Beach Clean

The Great Dorset Beach Clean

The Great Dorset Beach Clean, organised by ‘Litter Free Coast and Sea’, is a huge project to clean up our coastlines beaches. Over the weekend of the 22nd & 23rd of April 22 beach cleans were organised along the Devon and Dorset coast. The local...
Fleet Foreshore Spring Clean

Fleet Foreshore Spring Clean

Once again thanks go out to everyone who helped us with our spring clean on the Fleet. Together with last months pick we have manged to clear over 3 miles of the reserve, picking up over 50 bags as well as some larger debris.