Reserve Office 01305 760579

A lovely end end to the year with a sighting of Great Bustard, seen alongside the Reserve.

Swanherd Steve spotted this individual feeding in the fields surrounding Abbotsbury Swannery on Friday 17th December. This is believed to be the same individual that has been spotted around the Moonfleet area, further down the Fleet, earlier in the year.

The Reserve Team would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year, with a big thank you to all of those involved with the Reserve. We were pleased that a handful of research projects were able to restart this year, with the Team working with researchers from far and wide. Management of the of all other aspects of the Reserve continued, with positive steps being taken in a range of areas.

We leave you with this image of the Great Bustard taken by the Warden, Charlie.

Great Bustard near Abbotsbury Swannery © Charlie Wheeler