by ReserveTeam | Jul 28, 2016 | Birds, News
The first ever Black-headed Gull chicks to successfully fledge on the Chesil Bank and Fleet Nature Reserve did so this year at Abbotsbury. In the past there have been a handful of nesting pairs along the Fleet, but they have never successfully fledged any young. This...
by ReserveTeam | Jul 24, 2016 | Birds, News
It has been yet another successful year for the Common Tern colony located at Abbotsbury. An estimate 50+ pairs nested on the ‘Tern Island’ this year, with a rough total of 110 chicks successfully hatching. The majority of the chicks have now fledged and...
by ReserveTeam | Jul 18, 2016 | Birds, Little Terns, News
On a recent survey at Ferrybridge, where the Little Tern colony have now fledged most of their young, the team were tasked to identify whether the chicks had made their way down to the shoreline, and to acquire a rough figure of fledged young. After taking pictures of...
by ReserveTeam | Jul 14, 2016 | Insects, News
A larval web of the Social Pear Sawfly is commonly seen on both Pear and Apple trees, Medlars and Hawthorns. This web was pictured on the latter, found at Abbotsbury. There are several types of Sawflies, and most are named after the type of plant that they feed on....
by ReserveTeam | Jul 11, 2016 | Birds, News
Despite recolonising much of Britain after the Second World War the Avocet is still a relatively uncommon but unmistakable visitor to the Fleet. Although uncommon, Avocet can be seen almost annually on the Fleet.